Friday, April 25, 2008

A Little Rant on GTA4...

So I "heard" from somewhere that Grand Theft Auto IV's camera works on a standard axis. You push up on the right stick, the camera goes up. Left goes left, down goes down, right goes right. That's pretty normal. They also have an invert look option which swaps the y-axis. Up goes down, down goes up, and left and right go left and right respectively.

Now what really pisses me off is that there isn't the option in invert the x-axis at all. If you are not familiar with either of these camera schemes, you are going to be stuck trying to learn the camera controls. While it's not a huge deal, it really disappoints me. You would think a game of this much caliber and hype would have a simple option to invert both.

I normally play 3rd person games with both invert x and invert y on so this kinda makes the game unplayable for me... Until I decide to suck it up and play with the crappy camera controls.


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