Now I know what you're all thinking, "Ohh MGS4 came out this week, he must be talking about that." Well smarty pants guess what....WRONG!!! Unfortunately Gamefly seems to have run dry of copies of my top three games, so I'm currently game less (besides midnight games of Halo 3 or COD4) and have instead decided to start my Netflix account again. Man, am I glad I did that! For those of you that don't know Netflix carries Blu-Ray titles now, and the first thing I did was fill my Q with BR-D titles (Blu-Ray Disc). And what was at the top of my list and the first movie I received? The Ultimate Avengers!!!!!(*Bum Bum BUMMMMMM*)
O.K. first off when I received the disc, I found out that the BR-D copy also contained the sequel on it. After taking my first summer midterm, I came home sat down with my wife, child, and younger brother and popped it in. And for the next three hours (yes I watched them back to back) I was absorbed into the Marvel universe, and with the bright colors on my 40 inch HDTV, I loved every minute. Every Marvel fan should give them both a viewing, but the first one is better than the second. Why was it better? Because it gives The Hulk proper justice. The Hulk smashes and he smashes reaaaaaallllllllllllll goooooooooooooddddddddd!
Look let's be honest, the PS3's lineup is pretty weak (even with MGS4 coming out, chances are you've played everything else worth while) so put it to good use and pick up this Blu-Ray title! Ohh and after watching these, I'm spending my first father's day at the movies watching the new Incredible Hulk. Enjoy The Ultimate Avengers and thank me later!
You need to play MGS4 before you brush it away as another game.
First off... I didn't say it was just another game, I said that even with MGS4, PS3s line up is pretty weak. Sorry one game doesn't make a strong line-up.
Second....you and I have had this conversation and I told you, Imma play it, probably enjoy it but won't love it....Why??? Cause I'm not a Sony fan boy and don't blow my load over their hype machine.
Third... well I don't have a third but good things come in three so I had to put one up anyway.
Okay... Yea PS3's lineup is pretty weak. But it's all about your preferences of games. I don't really like 360's lineup. They just happen to have a bigger library of garbage compared to PS3.
You don't have to be a fanboy to enjoy and love a game. But you and I have different tastes in games. Just because I say Halo sucks and MGS4 is awesome doesn't make me a fanboy. I just think there are better shooters (because there are) out there compared to Halo.
See now if you helped me post on the site and took care of the PS3 news, none of the PS3 posts would have a negative tone. And I know your not a fanboy, I'm just trying to get you worked up so maybe I can get some help on the site. Plus we do have different tastes! Ohh and why was your other post anonymous?
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