Work sucks. School sucks. This weather sucks.
It's 10,000 degrees outside and you get swamp butt walking from your car to your class or work and hate your life. You work for 2 hours looking at a computer screen or working with incompetent individuals who ask you how to use the copier. You go to the bathroom for your break only to realize after the fact that there is no toilet paper. You finish your day after zoning out 3 times and day dreaming about the random hottie that walked in to your office and go back into your car where it smells like something died in it (maybe that was a little piece of your water stained pants from this morning). Traffic (shaking head). Then finally home.
You sit around and look around your room. Roof is leaking brown water. Toilet is always running. Your heater shoots out cooler air then your air condition. The milk in your fridge turned to yogurt. It sucks just like work. You want a new home, a new life, a new look. You want (in the words of Aladdin and Princess Jasmine, a whole new world).
Well look no further. Phantasy Star Online Universe is offering a free downloadable demo that is fairly nice. It could be a lot better, but if you want my personal opinion leave a comment and I'll reply. You can choose four different classes (and two genders per class) that you view yourself as and also can change how you look and what you wear.
Now you can run around dancing with random people, or stare at them and contemplate what they must be thinking about as they sit down and glare out of a window. Talk about deep. Sitting down in a video game and waiting to see who runs up to you to dance with their butt cheeks in your face (shaking head).
Anyway, if you want a free demo for a long game, and to have fun this is a nice change of pace and reality. By the way, to have more fun, create your own preset comments to make some of those deep philosophical squatters what you really think of their pose.
phantasy star online image taken from
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