Saturday, April 12, 2008

"A Second Look": Dark Sector

Hello Gamers, I would like to start off by talking about some of these gaming critics who think just because a game doesn't meet up to their expectations the rest of the gaming community is supposed to agree. I would like to read more about reviews asking the gaming community what they thought about a certain game rather than give their own opinion. I enjoy reading reviews on games that I'm looking forward to but sometimes it's hard to read a review that's bashing a game that you've been waiting for months to play. Perfect example is Dark Sector, it doesn't have the best multi-player but the single-player mode is great. The game has great visuals, great gameplay, and the controls take some time to get used to. Overall its a great game, I've played through it 3 times already and each time felt fresh. The combination of the Glaive (the name of the blade used in the game) and upgradeable weapons made this game an even better experience me. The game is unique in it's own way, some have said its like that other third person shooter but I refuse to compare the two games. Its so satisfying decapitating any limb you want with the Glaive. The Glaive can also absorb three elements fire, ice , and electricity to add to your arsenal. I could go on and on about Dark Sector but i won't. So go try it for yourself, its a rental for the fact that it has multi-player but it doesn't have multi-player if you know what I mean. Thanks for reading and keep gaming!