Monday, May 19, 2008

Most Epic Game of the Year

3 shadows run beside the crashing waves of the beach as the sun is setting. Dressed in fatigues and a helmet, with no gun in hand, but rather a knapsack on their back, they continue to run... why? because the music is just that epic that they want to keep running.

It's no Halo, GTA4, COD4, Resistance, Gears of War, Dark Sector... you get the point, but rather it is a simple game that consists of moving left and right, and separating your characters far enough so when a bomb hits the ground you don't lose one of your men, and every couple of seconds if you survive you get another soldier added to your platoon (even after you lose one).

Run Soldier RUN!!!

With a name like that, it has to be good. Music is great (adding to the epicness), the actual video quality (as if you are watching an old tape of WWII with the vertical lines going up and down on screen) makes it fun to watch.

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